Thursday, February 5, 2009

fun things

Things are great here. Oliver is a lot of fun. He is into everything. He is trying very hard to climb on everything. His legs are a little too short to get on most of the furniture, but he sure is trying hard.

He loves to dance. He'll point to the radio and do this little wiggle dance move when he wants us to turn the music on. We went to a music class at the library today. He went right next to the singer and was dancing around. I was surprised at first because he is pretty shy around strangers, but when she bent down to play to him he took off. He takes a little while to warm up to new people especially men. Once he has figure out someone is cool than he is a total showoff.

We started a tumbling class last week. He didn't do too much. He walked around pointing and staring at things. The last ten minutes of the class he started going on all of the fun stuff. Hopefully, this week he feel a little more comfortable there. I think once he gets use to it he is going to love it.

In the last couple of weeks he has really started to play with his stuffed animals. He loves to give them hugs and kisses. When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap he'll play in his crib with them for a long time. It is funny to hear him giving them kisses. The other day I went into his room and he was standing in his crib waving at the window while a train was passing by.
Ollie is 14 months old tomorrow. My birthday is next week. I can't even believe it. Time is flying by. We haven't done anything to celebrate Tet yet. We are going to have a birthday/Tet celebration next weekend. My birthday always falls around the Lunar New Year. We have been incorporating both things for years. We are so excited to have Oliver here to join in the celebration.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hi Leigh...I have enjoyed getting caught up on your blog. Life "post-Oliie" sounds amazing. I'm so happy for you. Your little guy is too adorable for words!!